my os is vista....i want to print a list of my word documents....can't figure
out how to do this....appreciate help!!
A. If your documents are all located in one folder:
1. Open a command prompt in the folder where your documents are
located. 2. Type "dir /b > dir.txt" omitting the "".
3. Open dir.txt with Word.
4. Print it.
B. If your documents are in a folder called (say) "2010" that contains
1. Open a command prompt in the folder immediately above 2010.
2. Type "dir *.* /b /s > 2010.txt" omitting the "".
3. Open 2010.txt with Word.
4. Print it.
C. If your documents are in several folders that contain subfolders:
1. Open a command prompt in their common top folder.
2. Type "dir *.* /b /s > dirall.txt" omitting the "".
3. Open dirall.txt with Word.
4. Print it.
D. To see what other magic you can do with a command prompt and dir:
1. Open a command prompt somewhere.
2. Type "dir /? > dirhelp.txt" omitting the "".
3. Open dirhelp.txt with Word.
4. Read, print, and save it for future reference.
E. Remember this lore and pass it on when the time comes.