print multiple labels with variying numbers



i would like to find out how i can print multiple labels
with variying numbers.

i am working on an inventory database and i would like to
print lot number labels. i have a subform where the user
enters the number of label for each lot number that should
be printed i.e:

lot number #copies
001 2
002 3

in my search for ways to solve this the closest that i
come across with is the program from MS knowledge base
article - 231801 (ref below). But the problem is it prints
same number of copies for each label.

i guess the bottomline is how do i edit this to get the
result i want.

any help will be greatly appreciated.


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim LabelBlanks&
Dim LabelCopies&
Dim BlankCount&
Dim CopyCount&

Function LabelSetup()
LabelBlanks& = Val(InputBox$("Enter Number of blank
labels to skip"))
LabelCopies& = Val(InputBox$("Enter number of copies
to print"))
If LabelBlanks& < 0 Then LabelBlanks& = 0
If LabelCopies& < 1 Then LabelCopies& = 1

End Function

Function LabelInitialize()
BlankCount& = 0
CopyCount& = 0
End Function

Function LabelLayout(R As Report)
If BlankCount& < LabelBlanks& Then
R.NextRecord = False
R.PrintSection = False
BlankCount& = BlankCount& + 1
If CopyCount& < (LabelCopies& - 1) Then
R.NextRecord = False
CopyCount& = CopyCount& + 1
CopyCount& = 0
End If
End If
End Function

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