Print only what is True!


Bob Vance

In tblRemarks I have a field [OwnerReport Yes/No ], I only want the true
records to Print

Case "Print Remark for Client"
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblRemarks WHERE HorseID=" _
& Form_frmHorseInfo.tbHorseID.value & ";"
SrNo.ControlSource = "SrNo"
tbHorseName.Visible = True
SrNo.Visible = True
'Only requires in this case.
tbDate.Visible = True
lblDate.Visible = True
lblRemarkID.Visible = False
tbRemarkID.Visible = False
tbHorseName.ControlSource = "=[Forms]![frmHorseInfo]![tbNameToDisplay]"
tbRemarks.Visible = False
tbRemarkID.ControlSource = ""
tbHorseName.Visible = True


strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblRemarks WHERE HorseID=" _
& Form_frmHorseInfo.tbHorseID & " AND OwnerReport = True;"


Sean Bailey

Bob Vance

Thanks Beetle , BRILLIANT :)

Beetle said:
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblRemarks WHERE HorseID=" _
& Form_frmHorseInfo.tbHorseID & " AND OwnerReport = True;"


Sean Bailey

Bob Vance said:
In tblRemarks I have a field [OwnerReport Yes/No ], I only want the true
records to Print

Case "Print Remark for Client"
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblRemarks WHERE HorseID=" _
& Form_frmHorseInfo.tbHorseID.value & ";"
SrNo.ControlSource = "SrNo"
tbHorseName.Visible = True
SrNo.Visible = True
'Only requires in this case.
tbDate.Visible = True
lblDate.Visible = True
lblRemarkID.Visible = False
tbRemarkID.Visible = False
tbHorseName.ControlSource =
tbRemarks.Visible = False
tbRemarkID.ControlSource = ""
tbHorseName.Visible = True

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