I have a three page letter merged to a dozen names.
I want to print only page one of each letter onto letterhead.
I use Word 2002. When I ask it to print, I can't select just page one of
each merged section. How do I only print page one?
NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice.
They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have
no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the
current President.
I want to print only page one of each letter onto letterhead.
I use Word 2002. When I ask it to print, I can't select just page one of
each merged section. How do I only print page one?
NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice.
They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have
no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the
current President.