Client is setting up handouts with three slides on the page. The default
setting is to have a page number appear in the footer, as well as the date in
the header. When in print preview, selecting Options, we found that using a
"Fixed" date and deleting the date removed the date from the header; however,
unchecking the page number box will NOT remove the page number from the
footer. Checking footer and leaving it empty also was unsuccessful at
removing the page number from the lower right corner of the page. Any
setting is to have a page number appear in the footer, as well as the date in
the header. When in print preview, selecting Options, we found that using a
"Fixed" date and deleting the date removed the date from the header; however,
unchecking the page number box will NOT remove the page number from the
footer. Checking footer and leaving it empty also was unsuccessful at
removing the page number from the lower right corner of the page. Any