Ken Spiker said:
This strangeness doesn't effect other documents. Hidden
text is not checked. Because I can fix it by saving in RTF,
and because it doesn't happen with other documents, I am
not so concerned about this; I suppose it will remain a
mystery. Thank you for your help,
What happens when you read the RTF back into Word and save as a Word
doc? Sure sounds like a corrupt document, but an unusual one, since
copying all but the last paragraph didn't solve the problem (I
assume that's what you meant by copy and paste - if you copy the
last paragraph mark, corruption will follow since that mark is
really the container for a ton of document information).
Sometimes, I'm told, RTF is too good for its own good and preserves
corruption when read back into Word. Another approach would be to
save as Web Page, then open that file and re-save as a Word document
- AFAIK, since the HTML format is a strictly defined plain-text
document, any corruption should be eliminated at that point (be sure
to save the entire file, not just the display portions, into HTML).