Print Preview Shows Blank Document


Ken Spiker

I created a document in WordX, now Print Preview shows a
blank page and the document goes to the printer but the
pages are blank. Never heard of such a problem. What's
going on? Thanx,


Ken Spiker

I should clarify that the document I created is full of
words and several pages long so as not to give the
impression that I created a document with no text.

J.E. McGimpsey

Ken Spiker said:
I created a document in WordX, now Print Preview shows a
blank page and the document goes to the printer but the
pages are blank. Never heard of such a problem. What's
going on? Thanx,

(I'm assuming this is not the same problem you had in July that John
McGhie replied to).

Any chance you formatted the text as "hidden", either via the style
or using Format/Font... and checking the "hidden" checkbox?

When XLvX first came out, this happened when the printer resolution
was set to Normal - changing to high was a workaround, but I don't
recall ever having that happen in Word.

Ken Spiker

Yes, thanx for getting back to me. This problem is not one
I had in July. It is a strange one. Here is what happens to
a certain document (saved in normal Word format):

I open the document and when I go to Print Preview mode the
window is blank, no text shows. The printer prints blank
pages. On subsequent tries Print Preview remains blank. The
printer prints other Word documents okay with the same

I can copy and paste this document into a New Word Document
and the same thing happens. I can Duplicate the document
and the same thing happens. This is even before I get to
the Print Dialog box.

I can fix this by saving the document in RTF format. Then
Print Preview always displays the text and the document
prints. I can save the RTF document in Normal format and
there's no problem.

This strangeness doesn't effect other documents. Hidden
text is not checked. Because I can fix it by saving in RTF,
and because it doesn't happen with other documents, I am
not so concerned about this; I suppose it will remain a
mystery. Thank you for your help,


J.E. McGimpsey

Ken Spiker said:
This strangeness doesn't effect other documents. Hidden
text is not checked. Because I can fix it by saving in RTF,
and because it doesn't happen with other documents, I am
not so concerned about this; I suppose it will remain a
mystery. Thank you for your help,

What happens when you read the RTF back into Word and save as a Word
doc? Sure sounds like a corrupt document, but an unusual one, since
copying all but the last paragraph didn't solve the problem (I
assume that's what you meant by copy and paste - if you copy the
last paragraph mark, corruption will follow since that mark is
really the container for a ton of document information).

Sometimes, I'm told, RTF is too good for its own good and preserves
corruption when read back into Word. Another approach would be to
save as Web Page, then open that file and re-save as a Word document
- AFAIK, since the HTML format is a strictly defined plain-text
document, any corruption should be eliminated at that point (be sure
to save the entire file, not just the display portions, into HTML).

Ken Spiker

I thank you for taking the time to pay attention to my
little problem. I did convert the RTF document back to Word
and there wasn't any problem. Saving it in html worked too.
I'm just going to conclude that I had a corrupt document
there and unless the problem recurs I'm going to forget it.
I was only concerned because I was afraid I might have to
type the entire lengthy document over, or at least reformat
it piece by piece. However converting it to RTF did the
trick, so no problema.


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