print preview



Under my "Clients" window all the information has been entered and saved.
(Projects, time cards, payments, expenses, etc.) When I click on the
projects button, the project window opens for the client and I can see all
the hours I've entered, and the expenses. All of the infomation is correct
in THAT window.
How do I go about printing out the entire thing as an invoice to the customer?
When I try to "Preview Time Card" in the time card window, there is nothing
showing up.
I'd like to take all the infomation and print it on one sheet of paper for
the clients invoice. Print invoice doesn't work either. Just blank pages.
I'm very new, but have spent about 4 hours trying to figure it out, and
looking online.
Thank you.

Albert D. Kallal

the best approach to this type of printout is to use a report.


reports = use them when you want to print something
form = use them when you want to edit, or display

so, you could try and mess around by trying to "print" a form, but it kind
of like working in the salt mines, and it will be a painful process.

So, build a nice report.

If the report has "main" record information, then following the same
conceptual design you used in your form.

In a form, we model the one-> many records by using a main form, and then a
sub-form to display the "many" records.

in a report, we simply use a report, and sub-report.

once you have the report laid out and display the data the way you want,
then you can place a button on form to print the CURRENT record.

you can use:

me.refresh ' write any changes to disk
docmd.Openreprot "name of report",,,"id = " & me!id

The above assumes your primary key for the "main" record is "id". If it
something like contactID, then use that...

And, if you want to "preview" the report before you print it, then use:

docmd.Openreprot "name of report",acViewPreview,,"id = " & me!id

It also not 100% clear how your existing form is setup. when you say "time
card" window, are you talking about a sub-form? If yes, then use a
sub-reprot to display that informaton in the report.

Anyway, regardless of your setup, simply create a nice looking report with
the information laid out. Repots are MUCH better for printing of
information, and also it means that certain fields, and other information
you do NOT want to appear on the printout is under your full control.

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