Print Preview



This is just a guess, but have you added or removed any printers to your computer?

Owen (OneNote team)

nntp://<[email protected]>

Yesteray, the Print Preview function was working perfectly. Today, nothing shows up at all. Is there a setting that I may have turned on/off?? Thanks, Tricia



That link is actually added automatically by my newsgroup reading program (it wasn't a link to more information, it just points to the newsgroup post I was responding to.)

When you click on File->Print Preview, do you get an error message? Or does the Print Preview window open up, but show a blank page?

If you go ahead and print the page, does it come out blank?

nntp://<[email protected]>

but I can't get to the site you posted. Can you give me more info? Thanks so much!


Tricia B

I haven't tried printing yet, so I don't know. (I was just using Print Preview to see where my text was being cut in half....). I do not get an error message, just a blank square where my page(s) used to show up. All of the other menus, radio buttons, etc. are there.


Sorry for the slow response here&hellip; can you try printing and let me know whether it's just the preview, or the printout itself that's blank?


Owen (onenote team)

nntp://<[email protected]>

I haven't tried printing yet, so I don't know. (I was just using Print Preview to see where my text was being cut in half....). I do not get an error message, just a blank square where my page(s) used to show up. All of the other menus, radio buttons, etc. are there.


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