Print Screen As *.JPG Option



When using the Print Screen key to copy an image to the clipboard for pasting
into Word, is there any way that, when I CTRL+V into the document, that I
have the option to insert a *.JPG instead? Corporate documentation can
frequently require large numbers of screen captures in order to illustrate a
step-by-step process. Eliminating my having to insert the graphic into Paint
and save it as a *.JPG would save valuable time.


....meaning that Print Screen cannot be modified in any way? I'm already
using Paint to make the conversion from *.bmp to *.jpg because it's free. Do
you consider SnagIt to be a significant advantage over Paint if all you have
to do is basic cut and pasting?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

For the occasional screen capture, the way you're doing it is probably fine.
SnagIt offers very sophisticated screen capture tools, including the ability
to create profiles for many different types of capture, the properties of
which can include the file format in which the capture is saved. FWIW, GIF
is probably a preferable format for screen shots.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Lemeva,

You can use a macro that would use Edit=>Paste Special
and select the JPEG format option and the macro could
be tied to a hotkey for pasting.

Suzanne mentioned using a GIF for screen capture. It's
suitability can depend on the number of colors needed in
the screen capture as it's limited to 256.

Snagit has some very nice features for cleaning up and
tailoring the screen captures.
is also one that's available and can capture screenshots
to disk files through a hot key as one option.

....meaning that Print Screen cannot be modified in any way? I'm already
using Paint to make the conversion from *.bmp to *.jpg because it's free. Do
you consider SnagIt to be a significant advantage over Paint if all you have
to do is basic cut and pasting? >>
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

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