There are a number of fields that will not survive the execution of a mail
merge and the Section and SectionPages fields are two of them.
It might be best to put the numbers that you want in a field in the data
You may be interested in the following method of creating post cards with
data printed on both sides.
To do this, you would use a two page form letter type mail merge main
document with the text and merge fields set up for each side of the card in
that document.
Then, with your data source which must be in the form of a table in a Word
document open as the active document, you would run the following macro.
This will ask you how many cards there are across and how many down, and
then it will create a new data source with the records duplicated in the
correct order so that when you attach this new data source to the form
letter type mail merge main document, and execute the merge, the required
information will appear on each side of the card.
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, l As Long, n As Long, m As Long
Dim dtable As Table
Dim arec As Range
Dim dsource As String
dsource = ActiveDocument.FullName
Set dtable = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
m = InputBox("Enter the number of cards across (1 or 2)", "Duplex Labels")
If Not IsNumeric(m) Then
GoTo GoThere
ElseIf m < 1 Or m > 2 Then
GoTo GoThere
End If
k = InputBox("Enter the number of rows of cards on the sheet.", "Duplex
If Not IsNumeric(k) Then
GoTo GoHere
ElseIf m < 1 Then
GoTo GoHere
End If
dsource = Left(dsource, InStr(dsource, ".") - 1) & " - Duplex for " & m &
"x" & k & ".doc"
If m = 1 Then
i = (dtable.Rows.Count - 1) Mod k
If i > 0 Then
For j = 1 To k - i
Next j
End If
For l = dtable.Rows.Count - (k - 1) To k + 1 Step -k
For j = 1 To k
dtable.Rows.Add (dtable.Rows(l))
Next j
Next l
For j = 1 To k
Next j
For n = 1 To k
For i = dtable.Rows.Count + 1 - n To k + 2 - n Step -2 * k
For j = 1 To dtable.Columns.Count
Set arec = dtable.Cell(i - k, j).Range
arec.End = arec.End - 1
dtable.Cell(i, j).Range = arec
Next j
Next i
Next n
k = 2 * k
i = (dtable.Rows.Count - 1) Mod k
If i > 0 Then
For j = 1 To k - i
Next j
End If
For l = dtable.Rows.Count - (k - 1) To k + 1 Step -k
For j = 1 To k
dtable.Rows.Add (dtable.Rows(l))
Next j
Next l
For j = 1 To k
Next j
For n = 1 To k
If n Mod 2 = 1 Then
l = -1
l = 1
End If
For i = dtable.Rows.Count + 1 - n To (2 * k + 2 - n) Step -2 * k
For j = 1 To dtable.Columns.Count
Set arec = dtable.Cell(i - k + l, j).Range
arec.End = arec.End - 1
dtable.Cell(i, j).Range = arec
Next j
Next i
Next n
End If
ActiveDocument.SaveAs dsource
Hope this helps.
Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.
Doug Robbins - Word MVP