Print submitted alert



I know this is probably a really simple one for most of you - so please help
if you can?! :)
I have done the recent windows update and since finishing the installation,
i get a print alert at the bottom right of my screen every time a document is
sent to print.
I think its to confirm submission to the printer. its a cream bubble
similar to when the "office assistant" is giving tips - although i have
turned off office assistant and the display tips option.
The bubble stays there until i click it.
I print so many word documents and i sit next to my printer - i really dont
need to be told that the document has been sent to print - i already know
that ...
is there any way of turning this off?? as i said its prob something very
simple, but i cannot for the life of me work it out!!

Please help

many thanks


Bob I

It is due to the settings in your Operating System, Print Server. Look
up Print Server in Windows Help and Support, follow the links and you
may elect what you see on the Advanced tab.


Hi Bob I - thanks for your message

I have tried that and i canot see an option on the advanced tab to turn the
alert off.

I just cant seem to find which option to press - and i bet its so obvious
but i just must be missing it!!

any other tips??

Thanks again for your help


oooh no - scrap that last messge i just posted

i done it !!!

thanks again bob for your help - i must have just totally missed it the
first time i tried!!!! :) lol lol


Bob I

You're welcome, have a great day!
oooh no - scrap that last messge i just posted

i done it !!!

thanks again bob for your help - i must have just totally missed it the
first time i tried!!!! :) lol lol



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