Many thanks for your useful advice.
The total number of records in a table is a separate
operation from counting the (filtered) records in the
Oh it is new to me.
The number of records in the report's dataset can easily be
calculated in the report's header/footer sectio simply by
using a text box with the expression =Count(*). Then same
expression can be used to count the records in a group
(header or footer).
Duly noted.
A simple text box expression to count the number of records
in a table is =DCount("*", "table") and that can be
modified to cound records using a different filter than the
report itself. E.g. =DCount("*", "table", "FY=2006")
I need the syntax for the following
FieldA(TextType) is not null And
FieldB(DateType) is between [Start date] and [End date] from a select and
parameter query.
Under above senerio, I have to take query instead of table!