Print to ON functionality


Jim V

I know there is a power toy that lets you print from other
applications into ON. The problem with it is that it comes in as a non
searchable image. Go Binder has a similar tool, except the result is
fully searchable text. This is much better.

Is there any hope of incorporating this feature into either the power
toy or into ON itself?


Toshiba M200 XPpro SP2, One Note SP1

D Devlin

It is possible, in fact one of the non-public versions of
the powertoy produces searchable output. The issue
is that the search is not integrated with the application.
Chris Pratley has publicly mentioned that printable,
searchable text is coming in a future version of OneNote.


Jim V

Thanks Darron. By 'not integrated' I take it you mean you can't use
the native search function in ON?

I'm very impressed with ON and GB. Naturally, each has features I
like/need that the other lack.

But I really need the ability to search everything I keep in ON.

I find myself often wondering why the designers of ON left out certain
things. Like the ability to sync with PPC, built in print to ON driver
(with searchable output <g>), and a few others...

That said, it is a cool first effort!!

It is possible, in fact one of the non-public versions of
the powertoy produces searchable output. The issue
is that the search is not integrated with the application.
Chris Pratley has publicly mentioned that printable,
searchable text is coming in a future version of OneNote.



Toshiba M200 XPpro SP2, One Note SP1

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