"Print what" default in Word 2007


Paddy Landau

I've recently converted to Vista, which came with Word 2007.

When I want to print a document in Word 2007, the default "Print
what" option reads "Document showing markup."

Every time I wish to print, I have to reset this to "Document".

How do I change this to default to "Document"?

Thank you

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The default will always be "Document showing markup" if the document
contains markup. You can either accept (or reject) all the changes and
delete all the comments, or you can print directly from Final view (as
opposed to "Final Showing Markup").

Paddy Landau

Suzanne, that helped me understand what was happening, thank you,
so I realised that I could search the help facility for "markup".

In previous versions of Word, I used comments to help remind me
of various points. Specifically, Word 97 showed the existence of
comments with a yellow highlight over the words, which did not
print. Using mouse hover, right-click or a menu option allowed
comments to be viewed or edited.

Word 2007, however, includes comments as part of the markup.

Is there a way to have Word 2007 simply display the existence of
comments (as did Word 97), when I have set Tracking to "Final"?
Alternatively, is there another way of leaving notes in Word 2007
that are visible on-screen but not printed?

Either of those would help me tremendously.

Thank you again.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can print without the markup, of course, and if you disable balloons,
I'm not sure what would be printed.

Paddy Landau

Thanks, Suzanne.

I think that I'll be better off getting rid of comments and
putting in text boxes with hidden text.


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