I want to made name cards using black card with white text. How can I do
that in WORD 2003?
Suzy, do you mean Word 2004? I don't recall there having been a
Macintosh version of Word in 2003.
Anyway, are you printing onto black cardstock, or white? If black,
then you'll need to have the cards printed at a printshop, because
your home printer won't have white ink. You can print white text
on a black background onto white cardstock at home, but unless
you have a really high-quality printer, large blocks of black are
likely to look streaky. So this may be a job for professionals!
But if you want to try it, simply use the Format menu (Borders
and Shading) to add a black fill to each nametag in your template,
then use the Format menu again (Font) to define the font color as
white. If you don't have a template for name tags, it should be
easy to make one, or browse around the Microsoft site.