Print your digital photographs directly from the Folder

  • Thread starter Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion®
  • Start date

Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion®

You can print your digital photographs and other images directly from the My
Pictures folder, without even opening them first. This is especially helpful
if you plan to print several photos.

In the My Pictures folder, click the picture you would like to print. The
picture will appear in the Image Preview window, to the left of the file

Click the Print button.

In the Printing better pictures dialog box, click Yes if you would like see
the Windows Me help information on printing pictures. Otherwise, click No.
In the Print dialog box, check the settings, and then click OK.
Best regards - Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion® -
VoTecEdu at MSN Dot Com - (e-mail address removed) -
Cooking Crawfish & Alligators in New Orleans...
Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original
dimensions - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

* New! Eliminate pop-up ads, Spy Ware and Home Page Hi-jacks*

Delia Smothers

So? What's that got to do with front page?

----- Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion® wrote: -----

You can print your digital photographs and other images directly from the My
Pictures folder, without even opening them first. This is especially helpful
if you plan to print several photos.

In the My Pictures folder, click the picture you would like to print. The
picture will appear in the Image Preview window, to the left of the file

Click the Print button.

In the Printing better pictures dialog box, click Yes if you would like see
the Windows Me help information on printing pictures. Otherwise, click No.
In the Print dialog box, check the settings, and then click OK.
Best regards - Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion® -
VoTecEdu at MSN Dot Com - (e-mail address removed) -
Cooking Crawfish & Alligators in New Orleans...
Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original
dimensions - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

* New! Eliminate pop-up ads, Spy Ware and Home Page Hi-jacks*

Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion®

Everyone prints - everyone in the world (6 Billion) who use FP also use /
insert / configure / edit photos in FP after they are cropped and sized and
printed and - must I go on? It is sorta like IE - which also has to work
with FP - and PDF files - and MP3 files, etc.

Mike Mueller

: Everyone prints - everyone in the world (6 Billion) who
: use FP also use / insert / configure / edit photos in FP
: after they are cropped and sized and printed and - must I
: go on? It is sorta like IE - which also has to work with
: FP - and PDF files - and MP3 files, etc.

I highly doubt there are 6 billion FP or ME users. I
personally don't use FP to edit my pictures, I favor
graphics programs for this. Double clicking the picture to
bring it up in Image preview is the same as opening the
picture. ME was the last OS to use that Kodak software. IE
doesn't actually open PDF or MP3 files either, it uses a
plugin which opens the file. I personally don't know of
anyone with a real desire to print out an MP3 file either.
I don't know anyone who has the My Pictures folder as part
of their web either.

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