Dale Fye
I have an Access 2003 application that allows me to cataloge Office (ppt,
xls, doc) and PDF files.
I can filter and search for documents with specific content, and would
really like to be able to print the documents from within my application. I
don't want to use the default print dialog box (would prefer to create my own
to limit what the user can and cannot do).
In order to print these types of documents, am I going to first have to use
automation to open the applications (GetObject, CreateObject), then open the
file, then print that file, or is there an easier way using automation?
, then open the file
xls, doc) and PDF files.
I can filter and search for documents with specific content, and would
really like to be able to print the documents from within my application. I
don't want to use the default print dialog box (would prefer to create my own
to limit what the user can and cannot do).
In order to print these types of documents, am I going to first have to use
automation to open the applications (GetObject, CreateObject), then open the
file, then print that file, or is there an easier way using automation?
, then open the file