Printer's quotes not changing when new font applied - Word 2007, V


Ian J.

Word 2007 in Vista ...

In any document, new or otherwise, when I attempt to apply some fonts (for
example, Adobe Garamond) to a selection (character, word or paragraph),
everything updates to the new font except for the printer's quotes (which
includes left and right double and single quotes).

There are other fonts that work as expected. If I apply one of those fonts,
everything changes to the new font. However, if I then apply Garamond again,
everything changes to Garamond except for the printer's quotes, which will
still have the font of whatever font was applied previously.

I can have Garamond quotes appearing in the document if I first apply
Garamond to the entire selection, and then delete the existing quote
character and type in the same quote character. It will then apear properly
using the Garamond font. However, if I subsequently apply a different font to
the selection, it goes back to the anomalous behavior of Garamond not
"sticking" to the printer's quotes.

Simply selecting the anomalous quote character and retyping it does not
change it to Garamond. The original quote character in the previous font
needs to be deleted first and then retyped before it will take on the font of
the surrounding text.

Attempting to use Find and Replace to correct the anomalous quote marks
works, but only if the Garamond font is explicitly specified in the "Replace
with:" field. It only corrects it for that one time iteration, though, just
like changing them by hand.

A number of fonts exhibit the "non-stick" property and a number seem to work
as expected.

This is new behavior from the previous versions of Word.

Would anyone have any ideas here? Thank you.

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