Printig Problem with big drawings and pdf



why is the page break shifting when resizing the visio sheet? I expected
that it stays where it when I increase the sheet height and weight.
The problem is that if you have a diagram over the entire sheet (within the
pagebreaks) and then increase the sheet size the digramm lies now above the
page breaks. Is there a way to fix the problem easily?


Paul Herber

why is the page break shifting when resizing the visio sheet? I expected
that it stays where it when I increase the sheet height and weight.
The problem is that if you have a diagram over the entire sheet (within the
pagebreaks) and then increase the sheet size the digramm lies now above the
page breaks. Is there a way to fix the problem easily?

menu File -> Page Setup
and set the Print Zoom to 1 down/1 across


Unfortunately then the whole diagram is printed on a single page. And that's
too small to read as I have a process chain with many shapes on the sheet.

But what is the technical reason for the page break to move? Isn't there a
way to fix the page break to the upper left corner of the sheet?

Paul Herber

But that's exactly what the page break view is for, it's showing where
printing will break the pages. So, if you change the page size then
where the pages are broken up for printing will change. Maybe you can
just change the Print Zoom, you can just type the value you want if
the provided %ages don't suit.


Try adjusting the margins as Visio (for printing a large drawing on one page
across multiple pages) resizes so that you can trim or overlap margins to
match-align printed edges line-to-line.....but maybe if there are no margins
it will not shift/resize the image.

I usually make drawings with the margins shown in dark gray on screen (view)
and do not draw too close to the edges but can easily cross margins with
connecting lines that print perfectly.

Alternatively you can select all, group (for safety) and drag or nudge to
align from edges or even resize slightly smaller....just make it look right
within the dark gray margins and it should print or print to PDF just fine.
I have done up to a 4x4 (16 pages each 8.5x11) from one large drawing page.

Also be sure you setup the whole page to be even multiples of the printed
page size and include margins....setup a test layout page and print a simple
test on each page....such as a rectangle just inside each margin on each
page and make some lines that cross every page and do a test print....adjust
until as a template...proceed with you detail design work and
it will print OK....and it will print OK on one large page on a large
printer/plotter too.

To save what you a template per above, then paste your current
drawing into the template and adjust to prevent printing in the margins.


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