Printing a document with an attached envelope.



I am trying to print a word document that has an attached envelope. I can
print the envelope fine, but I cannot print the letter. I have Win XP Pro,
Word 2003 and an HP Officejet 7210xi All-in-One.

Or, how do I remove the envelope after it has been added to the document?

Charles Kenyon

Before you close a document to which you have added an envelope, you can
Press Ctrl-Z (undo) until the envelope disappears.
Charles Kenyon

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Suzanne S. Barnhill

Charles's answer will do if you want to keep the letter and remove the
envelope. If you're wanting to know how to detach and envelope and retain
it, ditching the (empty) document, post back for instructions.


Thanks Suzanne. I finally found the answer in Microsoft's Knowledge Base
about an hour after I posted the question.


Thanks Charles. I had already closed the file so I needed a workaround to
print document. I finally found the answer in Microsoft's Knowledge Base
about an hour after I posted the question.

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