Printing a folded booklet in duplex on a non-duplex printer in Publisher 2003



For whomever might benefit from this.

I needed to print a simple 4-page folded booklet on a non-duplex
printer. That meant I needed to print pages 1 and 4 on one side of a
sheet of 8.5x11 paper, and then print pages 2 and 3 on the other side.
Folded, I get 4 pages on one sheet, neat!

Publisher made it easy to produce the document (my Christmas letter for
this year), but when it came time to print samples, I had a dilemma. I
want to print it as described above, but nowhere I could find did it
say how to do that. In the discussion part of which is quoted, below,
utilities and add-ins were recommended, and as seems often to the be
the case, this was termed a printer issue, not a Publisher one.

Well, it's not a printer issue. In fact, it has nothing to do with the
printer. Publisher can do this, although it took trial and error to
figure out how. Here's how: when you print, you can't say "print page
1 and 4" or print "page 2 and 3" like you can in other apps. Whether
doing that is logical or not, that's the way other apps do it and so it
would make sense to allow that. Publisher doesn't. What it DOES do,
however, is ask you an obtuse question when you tell it to print, for
example, just page 1. When you do that, it asks you a question. If
you look closely at the question, you'll see that if you answer NO,
Publisher will, in our example, correctly print pages 1 and 4 on the
sheet just as you'd want. So, you can print the first 100 pages of the
duplex Christmas letter (in my case) by telling it to print page 1 and
answering NO, thereby printing pages 1 and 4 on the same side. Then
take them out of the printer, put them back in upside down, and print
page 2, and answer NO, thereby printing pages 2 and 3 on the other
side. Done!

This is terribly obtuse, and I'm guessing anyone really familiar with
Publisher would say "of course it works that way", but for a new user,
this simple ability was very difficult to come by.

Fortunately, I figured this out before I spent a bunch of money on
printing software as was suggested, or burned very many more brain
cells. I hope this post helps someone else.


1. Mary Sauer
Feb 7, 11:51 am show options

Newsgroups: microsoft.public.publisher
From: "Mary Sauer" <[email protected]> - Find messages by this
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 13:51:13 -0500
Local: Mon, Feb 7 2005 11:51 am
Subject: Re: How do I duplex print in publisher on a desktop printer?
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Does your printer has a duplex unit? Are you waiting for Publisher to
tell you to
turn the page over?

If you have duplex capabilities, then check with the manufacturer's web
site for an
updated driver. This is a printer issue not a Publisher issue.

Mary Sauer MS MVP

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