I have a workbook that has over 30 worksheets. I'm trying
to print worksheets number 2 through 6. When I Print
Preview the first worksheet shows a page number of 15. If
I ungroup the worksheets, it shows a page number of 12.
Worksheet number 1 fits on one page, so if anything it
should read page number 2. My question is, where can I
reset this this page number to start at 1?
I've tried using AUTO in the "First Page Number:" box of
Page Setup and I've also tried using 1 in that same box.
to print worksheets number 2 through 6. When I Print
Preview the first worksheet shows a page number of 15. If
I ungroup the worksheets, it shows a page number of 12.
Worksheet number 1 fits on one page, so if anything it
should read page number 2. My question is, where can I
reset this this page number to start at 1?
I've tried using AUTO in the "First Page Number:" box of
Page Setup and I've also tried using 1 in that same box.