I have a user form using columns A-V in Excel which scrolls down to Row 200.
Each row contains customer details in the colums A to V e.g, Name/Address/
Contact Numbers/ Age etc. As I scroll down the list of custermers their
details appear in the relevant boxes on the User Form. Is it possible when a
customers details fill in the relevant boxes that I can print the User Form
with just their details. I hane placed a Command Button ( Print ) on the User
Form however cannot get it to print. Any help would be much appreciated.
Each row contains customer details in the colums A to V e.g, Name/Address/
Contact Numbers/ Age etc. As I scroll down the list of custermers their
details appear in the relevant boxes on the User Form. Is it possible when a
customers details fill in the relevant boxes that I can print the User Form
with just their details. I hane placed a Command Button ( Print ) on the User
Form however cannot get it to print. Any help would be much appreciated.