Printing address label values



I am attempting to print address labels but although I've used the labels wizard when I attempt to view the report I'm asked for "Parameter value - trim". whatever value I enter the printed labels are a series of #s except for one field.

I don't have this problem when using the same access file at home on Windows XP

Any clues



Cheryl Fischer

When commonly-used functions work fine on one computer but fail on another,
the cause is frequently a missing reference on the computer displaying the

At the computer where the function is causing a failure, open any code
module and then click Tools|References. Look for any that are marked
"MISSING:" and if you find any so marked, you will need to re-set them.
There is more information regarding references at the following links:

Cheryl Fischer
Law/Sys Associates
Houston, TX

Mathew said:
I am attempting to print address labels but although I've used the labels
wizard when I attempt to view the report I'm asked for "Parameter value -
trim". whatever value I enter the printed labels are a series of #s except
for one field.

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