Printing and/or Sharing?????



I'm getting really damn frustrated with OneNote.

I'm taking an Organic Chemistry class at ASU.
We are able to download the teachers lectures (notes and symbols) and write
on them during the lecture.
I, of course, send the PDF to OneNote.

When I try and send the page I've written notes on, to a friend, the
highlighting either obscures the text underneath so that you'll have typed
text from the teacher with my highlighting on top of it (but all the person
who receives my email sees are paragraphs with big highlighted blotches
blocking out large sections of text....almost like the CIA has come in and
blacked out whatever they didn't want people to see).
What is up with that?
How do I prevent that from happening?

Also, I've tried workarounds for this problem.
I've tried to print the document to a PDF file, which hangs my computer
Mind you, I have a brand new laptop with a 2 Gig processor and 2 Gigs of
RAM, and NO OTHER PROGRAMS RUNNING,....and it still hangs my computer.

So, I ask you, if the person with whom I'm trying to share OneNote documents
with isn't physically present for me to print out a hard paper copy and hand
it to them, how am I supposed to share this information with them digitally
if I can't email it to them (without it being huge blotches of highlighting
covering up the very ideas that are important and highlighted for that
reason),...and I can't send the OneNote document to any other program?

Please let me know, as the semester is passing at a rapid clip and students
I've promised to share my notes with are getting shafted in the deal.



P.S. If somebody outthere would like to see a screenshot of how my notes
look, and what the people I send them to actually get, please let me know and
I'll send you before an after pictures so that you can see what exactly is
going on. I'd do it here, but there is no upload functionality to this


Thank you for the link, Bob.
Do you use this product?
If so, what do you think of it?
Is emailing or sharing Evernote documents easy?
Is there an audio (linking) record feature that will record audio in pace
with your notations so that you can see what/where you were writing when the
speaker was speaking?

Thanks again for your help.

Best Regards,



Brand new laptops are known to be clogged with crap software from the
manufacturer that loads when you first start Windows.

If you got a techie friend who can help you look at your system, go into
Task Manager, Start Menu, and delete or prevent these apps from running, it
might go a long way in helping you with smoothing out your system.

When you print to create a PDF from Word or Notepad or any other software,
does it work? Does it hang only with OneNote?



Thanks for the advice.
Already went into the msconfig/startup menu and took off all the bundled
crap that comes standard.
WRT printing OneNote to PDF, if I'm clicked on a page or a subpage and print
to a PDF document, the computer hangs (I'm suspecting because it's trying to
print the entire FOLDER (ie: all pages/subpages within a folder), to a PDF.
So, the computer get jammed up with all the information and just hangs.
That's the only thing I can think of, given the fact that I have a 2 Gig
processor with 2 Gigs of RAM and no other programs running.
If you have any suggestions, please let me know.




Hi Justin,
You are still having the hanging problem?! Wow.

So... you are able to print to PDF in all other programs? And you've got the
latest Adobe updates, and I assume OneNote SP2 update, right?

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