printing background



I apply a background to my sheet, (for example a jpg file of the compani's
name), how can i print the backgroud in file,
i tried insert/picture and then tried to transparent the picture, but it
didn't work! and even if it does, it can not cover all the sheet,
Does anyone know any solution please!
thanks a lot,

Nick B

One way is to save the file as a web page, then open it in Internet Explorer
and print it there. To do this, open the file in Excel, then go to File->Save
as Web Page and save it somewhere. Then open Internet Explorer and go to
File->Open, click Browse and browse to and double-click on the file. You
should now see the Excel file with the background (though you cannot edit it
here with these options). Now to be sure that Internet Explorer is set to
print the background (it may be set to not print web page backgrounds), go to
Tools->Internet Options, click on the Advanced Tab, scroll towards the bottom
under the "Printing" subheading and make sure "Print background colors and
images" is checked. Then click OK and print the file.

Hope this helps,

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