Printing bookmarks



We've developed a template that may need to be redone due to corruption, and
it's littered with docvariables and bookmarks. I've been able to print the
template out and display the hidden docvariable fields, but the bookmarks,
while onscreen in gray, don't appear on the printout (nor are they labled).
Any ideas?


Doug Robbins

The following macro will add a [ before the bookmark and " - bookmark name"
and a ] after it.

Dim abm As Bookmark
For Each abm In ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
abm.Range.InsertBefore "["
abm.Range.InsertAfter " - " & abm.Name & "]"
Next abm

Please respond to the Newsgroup for the benefit of others who may be
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Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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