I posted this question several days ago and haven't received any response.
Thought I'd try again.
I have a number of notes associated with my contacts list. Some of them are
somewhat long. When I print the address book these notes are cut off. Is
there any way to have outlook print the entire note when printing an address
book. I am using a medium sized book style with two pages printed on an 81/2
by 11 sheet with one column per page. I am also having trouble making the
address book print two sided. I set my printer up to print two sided -
Officejet G95 - but the output is still onsided.
I am not sure but it may be that the notes output is restricted to 255
characters. If this is true is there any way to export all the contact
information and then print it out in an address book format using some other
Andy Cruce
Thought I'd try again.
I have a number of notes associated with my contacts list. Some of them are
somewhat long. When I print the address book these notes are cut off. Is
there any way to have outlook print the entire note when printing an address
book. I am using a medium sized book style with two pages printed on an 81/2
by 11 sheet with one column per page. I am also having trouble making the
address book print two sided. I set my printer up to print two sided -
Officejet G95 - but the output is still onsided.
I am not sure but it may be that the notes output is restricted to 255
characters. If this is true is there any way to export all the contact
information and then print it out in an address book format using some other
Andy Cruce