I've having an odd problem printing a data access page.
When I go to print preview (same thing happens if I actually print) almost
none of my fields are being displayed(printed).
Everything displays fine in the browser and in Access but I have the same
problem with both of them when trying to print the page.
Now I did say some of the fields because the last three fields do show up
for some reason. I've also noticed if I move some of the other fields to the
very bottom of the page they also print. It seems like some odd print margin
error but I've set and reset the margins to no avail.
Why aren't all my fields at the top of the document printing when they
display just fine. I get 2 blank pages and the third is almost all blank
with the exception of the bottom three fields at the bottom of the page.
When I go to print preview (same thing happens if I actually print) almost
none of my fields are being displayed(printed).
Everything displays fine in the browser and in Access but I have the same
problem with both of them when trying to print the page.
Now I did say some of the fields because the last three fields do show up
for some reason. I've also noticed if I move some of the other fields to the
very bottom of the page they also print. It seems like some odd print margin
error but I've set and reset the margins to no avail.
Why aren't all my fields at the top of the document printing when they
display just fine. I get 2 blank pages and the third is almost all blank
with the exception of the bottom three fields at the bottom of the page.