Hi Bob,
You don't say which version of Access you are using, but, I have used the display form to print out data for many years. I know the proper SOP for printing out data is a report, but, printing a display form as a report is quick and easy as well.
So that my very esteemed friends here don't tar and feather me for Access heresy<big grin>, I am not advocating using forms as reports as the norm. But, there are times when it works as well.
What I do is put a small command button on the display form that the user can click to print out the specific data they have selected from the filter form. The type of filter form that I use has combo boxes to select the data criteria and a corresponding command button that will sort the data according to the criteria in the combo box, open the display form and display the records. Once I am satisfied that the data displayed on the form is what I need, then I click the command button and print out the form with the data.
The command button is simple to add: I put it in the Header section of the Form, just because it is easy to see there. Click on the command button icon on the ribbon/toolbar>click on the area of the form where you want to put the button>select Form operations in the left window>Select print current form in the right window>click Next>(I use the printer image)>click Next<I type in PrintForm for the button name>click Finish.
I also use a From-To date filter on the filter form so that I can sort the records by specific date periods (week, month, year, etc.)
In Access 2007 you can also print a display form as a report by clicking the Office Orb at the top of the window>click Print>click Print Preview. Make sure the margins and orientation are as you need for the paper size, and the layout and information are correct, and then click on the Print icon on the far left side of the ribbon. (I believe in the prior versions there was a function like "Print Form as Report" that you could select to print the form as a report, but, I have not used the 2003 or older in some time, so I may be incorrect on that.)
You will need to sort/filter by specific criteria in order to display and print only that specific data in the form.