Printing Different Sections on a Document


John Sutton

I have a document I want to print which has different sections to use
depending on some merged values. I'm using If, then, else to place the
sections right now, but they come out formatted incorrectly. I wonder
if there is a better way.

================section 1==============================
Coverage............... 99,999,999.99 99,999,999.99
Deducible.............. 999,999.99 999,999.99
Premium................ 9,999.99 9,999.99
================section 2==============================
FIB COVERAGE.......................... LIABILITY
Coverage.............................. 99,999,999.99
Deducible............................. 999,999.99
Premium............................... 9,999.99

Due to space constraints, this only shows a small amount of the
differences. Section 2 would be printed in the event that the left
most coverage amount shown in section 1 was $0.00, else section 1
would print. If there are better ways to do this, I am open to all

Peter Jamieson

You don't say exactly what is going wrong here - can we assume that you are
having tab alignment problems? If so, it is probably because of a clash
between the layout of the individual paragraphs in your text sections and
the paragraph actually containing the IF field, and you might be able to
resolve that by e.g.
a. using shift-enter to end the lines in your included texts (so they share
the format of the enclosing paragraph)
b. using a table instead of plain text (yes, you can insert a table in the
"result" parts of an IF field). However, in that case you may end up with a
paragraph before/after that you do not want.

Beyond that, you might find it useful to put your layouts in one or more
separate Word documents, and use INCLUDETEXT to include them, either
deriving the file (and/or bookmark) name directly from your mail merge
source data, or using IF fields to include the appropriate text chunk. But
again you will need to avoid any clashes between the paragraph
styles/layouts used in the main document and the ones used in the
INCLUDETEXTed documents.

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