currently I have two select cases that allow users to pick the criteria they
wish to filter in the report.
However, the need has come to keep an electronic copy of all the different
combinations for "just in case".
Is there any way to click a button and have the reports run and
automatically save as a snapshot to the server.
To prevent the possiblility of the reports simply overwriting I have
included the title of the report in the downloaded name:
If Me.Labor = 1 Then
gstrTitle = "Direct Manpower"
ElseIf Me.Labor = 2 Then
gstrTitle = "Semi-Direct Manpower"
ElseIf Me.Labor = 3 Then
gstrTitle = "Maintenance Manpower"
ElseIf Me.Labor = 4 Then
gstrTitle = "Pre-Act Manpower"
ElseIf Me.Labor = 5 Then
gstrTitle = "All Manpower"
End If
If Me.Location = 1 Then
gstrRTitle = "Smyrna / Decherd"
ElseIf Me.Location = 2 Then
gstrRTitle = "Canton"
End If
then here is the current output to:
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "E - Offline Plant Summary Avg",
"SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", "I:\Paul\Test\Weekly" & gstrTitle & gstrRTitle &
".snp", False, "", 0
Which shows the location and labor code in the file name.
If need be I can paste the entire code... I just not certain how things work
in this site...
wish to filter in the report.
However, the need has come to keep an electronic copy of all the different
combinations for "just in case".
Is there any way to click a button and have the reports run and
automatically save as a snapshot to the server.
To prevent the possiblility of the reports simply overwriting I have
included the title of the report in the downloaded name:
If Me.Labor = 1 Then
gstrTitle = "Direct Manpower"
ElseIf Me.Labor = 2 Then
gstrTitle = "Semi-Direct Manpower"
ElseIf Me.Labor = 3 Then
gstrTitle = "Maintenance Manpower"
ElseIf Me.Labor = 4 Then
gstrTitle = "Pre-Act Manpower"
ElseIf Me.Labor = 5 Then
gstrTitle = "All Manpower"
End If
If Me.Location = 1 Then
gstrRTitle = "Smyrna / Decherd"
ElseIf Me.Location = 2 Then
gstrRTitle = "Canton"
End If
then here is the current output to:
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "E - Offline Plant Summary Avg",
"SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", "I:\Paul\Test\Weekly" & gstrTitle & gstrRTitle &
".snp", False, "", 0
Which shows the location and labor code in the file name.
If need be I can paste the entire code... I just not certain how things work
in this site...