printing double side from command line macro in MS word



I am trying to setup double side printing from MS Word 2002 calling word
from command line with macro.

There was no problem to record a macro and execute it from the word

My problem is that it will not print double side with same macro from
command line (prints single side instead)

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE10\winword.exe" /mprintdx3

Macro name is printdx3

It looks like it doesn't load full MS word environment.

I've also tried to use /x / mprintdx3 filename with the same results.

1. Please advice on how to print from command line in my case

2. How to add command to my macro to wait until printing is done and exit
from the doc?

Thank you,



Hi LP,

Double-sided printing is something you set in the printer driver. You
cannot, by my knowledge, access the printer driver from VBA.

What you can do if your printer "speaks" PCL, is insert a Print field at the
beginning of your document (Insert | Fields...) to which you add the PCL
instructions to print double sided. Consult your printer manual or the
internet for the exact codes you have to use.

Good luck,

Charles Kenyon

Another thing you can do is create a separate printer driver for the printer
that defaults to the setting you want. In your vba code, you can select that
printer driver.
Charles Kenyon

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You are correct that double side realted to a printer drive. However I've
recorded a macro which is selecting a printer and double side printing for
me. Macro works fine when I have myd document open and prints on boths side.
It however acts diffently when I open same document with word from command
line it still prints but only on a gingle side. My understanding is that if
should be a switch to open word from command line with all the options.
thank you,

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