printing forms



Hi, i have this table in one sheet
Name Surname Adress Tel.No. E-mail Gender
Paul Gaultier Baker st 9995 (e-mail address removed) M
John Smith Rose st. 5556 (e-mail address removed) F

And in another sheet I have couple of forms (application forms,
Applc. form. No.1
Name: Surname:

My wish is, to have buttons (or functions) next to each name, that will
print each form with data of this person put in right boxes of the forms.
Name Surname Adress Tel.No. E-mail Gender Print Form
Paul Gaultier Baker st 9995 (e-mail address removed) M Print Form No.1
John Smith Rose st. 5556 (e-mail address removed) F Print Form No.1

I can have the forms in word or excel format. Mailmerge doesn't solve my
problem, because that I'll need to make many steps (open file, use filter,
print it, ...).
All I need is one button for each form next to each case.
Is it possible?

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