Printing Forms



I have created numerous forms with headers. I have the
print control button in the text area of the form (Detail)
section. When I click the print button, the only text to
display in the header. I've taken the header out of the
header area and put the text from the header into the
detail section of the form, thinking that may be a work
around, and now nothing prints. Please HELP me if you
can. Thank you.


The simpler rule of thumb is forms are for viewing,
entering and editing data. They print poorly. Create
reports similar to the forms you need. You can print the
reports from the forms.



I've got 25 different request forms. If I use a report I
will have to create filtered reports for every form. is
there a simplier way of getting all my form data from an
individual form over to a report. If I just pull all the
fields, I get data for every record. As you can tell I'm
new to Access. Thanks

Dave Elliott

I agree, printing forms is a bad idea, however you could automate a little.
Simply create a (no Record Source) Report with it's controls set to your
It may take little time, but hey print forms, bad , print reports good.
If you choose to use an report and set the controls on the report to the
form, here is an example.
This was used to use the Invoice form, but print using the Report.
Hope this helps.

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stLinkCriteria = "[Order ID]= Forms![Categories and Products]![Order
stDocName = "InvoiceReport"
If IsNull([Customer ID]) = True Then
MsgBox "You Must Choose a Customer"
If IsNull([Material]) = True Then
MsgBox "You Must Enter Cost of Material"

' Write Order Amount to 'Orders' Table (Total Due)
Forms![Categories and Products]!Field201 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Total Due]
' Store as Invoice verses Quote
Forms![Categories and Products]!Type = "Invoice"
' Mark invoice as 'Due'
Forms![Categories and Products]!Status = "Due"
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr1 = Forms![Categories and
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr2 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Price 2]
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr3 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Price 3]
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr4 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Price 4]
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr5 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Price 5]
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr6 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Price 6]
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr7 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Price 7]
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr8 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Price 8]
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr9 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Price 9]
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr10 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Price 10]
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr11 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Price 11]
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr12 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Price 12]
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr13 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Price 13]
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr14 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Price 14]
Forms![Categories and Products]!pr15 = Forms![Categories and
Products]![Price 15]

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal, , stLinkCriteria
End If
Exit Sub

End If

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