Printing from autorun cd


John Waagan

I am making a powerpoint presentation that is going to be
distributed on an autorun cd with ppviwer. In my
presentation there are some forms that the users may want
to print. Can this be done, and if, how? Is it possible to
put a "print" sign next to the form, and when the user
clicks this the printing starts?



See the tiny application and tutorial at As
long as the user has a default printer set up, launch.exe should work. Your
button would be linked via Action Settings > Run and paste in
"launch.exe print filename.ext(ension)" Launch.exe and the file must be in
the same directory as the presentation.
Sonia, MS PowerPoint MVP Team
(Tutorials and Autorun CD Project Creator)
PowerPoint Live! - Featured Speaker
Tucson, AZ; October 12-15, 2003

Gus Collot

Launch.exe is a quite a practical solution, although it only works with .txt
and .doc files.

To standarize the procedure for any file format ( providing an opening
application is installed, of course ) , design a small, self-centered HTML
window and place a link on it
directioned to the .pps file. The window will open when the button/link gets
clicked and you'd then click in the window's link to initiate the printing.

Some quick source code for this window :

A. To make the window self-center and auto-resize ( change width and height
in pixels accordingly ) place in <body>....

<script Language="JavaScript">
var Width=200;
var Height=200;

B. For the printing :

In <head> section ....


function printWindow(){
bV = parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
if (bV >= 4) window.print()
<LINK rel=alternate media=print href="printversion.doc"> <!-- This is the
file to send to the printer -->

In <body> section ....

<a href="javascript:printWindow()">Print this document</a>

Good luck...

Gus Collot

Gus Collot

Yes to both questions.
You can open a html document from a link using the viewer.
You can insert your picture into a .doc, so you can use launch.exe.

Best wishes,


John Waagan

My form is saved as a .tif file, so then i can't
use "launch .exe"?
This scripts, will they work on the autorun cd? Does
ppviewer support them?

John Waagan

Can i import the .tif file in to Word, and then save it as
a .doc file? Will launch .exe then work for this?

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