Printing from Userform with AutoFilter




I have a worksheet with 11 columns with headings from A1:K1.
I know how to print the sheet with showing only used rows.

I am wondering, is there any way I could sort the records and then
print them (only the ones that fall into the selected criteria) from my

e.g. : In my worksheet I have:

Date in B (from B2...down)...shown in dd-mmmm-yy
Customer Names in C (from C2... down)
Product in E )from E2...down)
Category in G (from G2...down)
Complaint owner in J (from J2...down)

I have a fixed list for Customer Names, Category and Complaint Owner
that I have used in Rowsource in the Combobox on my data entry
userform. Date is auto-geenrated and product is manually entered.

While printing, I want to be bale to achieve this:

have a combobox for "Print By" categories...that will show above 5
options..e.g. Date/Month, Customer, Product, Category, Complaint Owner

So the user can select one of the above from the combobox and then
either type the customer name or product or month or category or owner
in a textbox and then click on the "Print" button to print just those
selected records.....


After selecting the "Print By" category from the drop down list, may be
there is another combobox showing the relevent sub-category and on
selecting the print button.


Print By: Customer > ABC Trading, DEF Trading, GHI Trading....etc>
Print Byate > January, February, March ....etc> Print
Print by: Category > Colour, Chips, Delivery, quality...etc > Print
Print By: Complaint Owner > John, Ian, Russ...etc
Print By: Product > This will need to enetred manually in a I dont have a list for these.

Any suggestions???


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