If you mean the grid lines turned on with Draw/Grid then no, they are for
layout guidance only.
To draw your own:
Draw a vertical line (Hold the shift key down while you draw it to make it
exactly vertical)
Press CTRL C to copy it and press CTRL V several times to paste copies.
You should now have lines getting lower on the page. Using the Draw arrow
tool, select them all and then select Draw/Align or Distribute/Align top to
make them all level
USe Draw Group to keep them together, copy and paste to get a second set
Use Draw/rotate or Flip/Rotate left to turn your second set horizontal
Move them over the vertical set and group the 2 sets together
You should now have a grid that you can stretch, shrink etc that will print
(and you can cange its line size, type or colour)
I hope this helps
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