Printing Help



I printed a page out of OneNote. The document font is set to Arial 12. When
I printed the document printed in what looks like about 8 or smaller.

How do you ensure that the documents print in the font size that you typed
the document?

This is not going to be useful if I can't print documents without having to
play with the page before I print it.

Please any one with more experience give me some help!



Thanks for the reply but I have never seen a setting such as that squeezes
the page onto a single sheet of paper. I can't find many setting for OneNote
with regards to printing and I use the same setting that I use to print all
my documents for Word or Excel.

It appears to me that OneNote is formating the page based on the size of the
workspace. Since there are no rulers, I don't know how large the work space
is that I have. I did find it interesting that I have 12 point and it made
it so much smaller.

I am open to suggestion. But I don't not want to have to copy and paste to
Word to print off documents.

Kathy Jacobs

If you do a print preview on the notes page, you will see a set of options
down the right side. One of these is a check box for "Scale content to paper
width". See if unchecking this box brings the text back to the size you want
when printed.
Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-author of Unleash the Power of OneNote- Available now from Holy Macro!
Get OneNote answers at
I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived



That gave me some insight into what is going on but it does not completely
solve the problem. When I scale the page down by moving the right side
toward the left, I can get the page to look the way I would like but it still
wants to print on two pages because the header is larger than the page.

How do I adjust the header?

I hope that you MVPs are giving the OneNote developers some suggestions.
This tools is not as useful if you have play with the size of the pages to
print out information from your OneNote. It would be nicer if it was more
user/printer friendly. I like the concept with OneNote but I sure don't want
to use something that makes it difficult to use the information in more than
one way.

Thank you for your assistance..... What else can I do to fix my problem.

Kathy Jacobs

First thing: To eliminate the problem of the header being too wide for the
page size you want, go back to print preview and check the box for "Print
header on a separate page".

Second: The OneNote development team does wander through this newsgroup with
some frequency, so they are likely to see your printing comments. In
general, while you and I may want to use OneNote to print things, it isn't
the way most users use OneNote. That said, they do know that I think the
printing process for OneNote needs help. It is good to hear that someone
else would like to see this too. :)

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-author of Unleash the Power of OneNote- Available now from Holy Macro!
Get OneNote answers at
I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


Thanks for the suggestion but printing the header on a separate page defeats
the purpose of having the header. I do appreciate your help.

I have a list of things that I would like to see changed. The OneNote could
be much more useful to me with some additional features.

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