Printing large document slow in Word 2003 but fast in Word 97




We have a large document created by a merge that is greater than 5000 pages
and prints very slow with Word 2003, but when printing with Word 97, it
prints much faster. Would there be a setting that needs to be changed to
speed this up? I have tried a few different computers with Word 2k3 and it
works the same. These computers have the lastest service packs and are
larger machines. The word 97 is on an old NT workstation, and printing is
fine from this unit.

Any information would be appreciated.





My guess would be the printer driver. Make sure that you have the latest
driver for the printer, delete the old driver and reinstall using the newer

If it still doesn't help, open the document in Word 2003 using the Open and
Repair option to see if it finds a corruption.

: Hi,
: We have a large document created by a merge that is greater than 5000
: and prints very slow with Word 2003, but when printing with Word 97, it
: prints much faster. Would there be a setting that needs to be changed to
: speed this up? I have tried a few different computers with Word 2k3 and
: works the same. These computers have the lastest service packs and are
: larger machines. The word 97 is on an old NT workstation, and printing is
: fine from this unit.
: Any information would be appreciated.
: Thanks
: Roger

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