printing lots of pages



Can I somehow shrink 204 pages I need to print to less pages? To save on ink?


Without changing your document's layout, you could try the various 'pages
per sheet' options under File|Print.

If you're prepared to change your document's layout, you could try altering:
.. fonts - some use less space than others
.. point sizes - smaller sizes allow more text to fit in the same area
.. paragraph leading/trailing spaces - smaller spaces allow more text to fit
on the same page
.. page margins - smaller margins allow more text to fit on the same page
.. larger paper sizes
Except for the first two, these won't have much, if any effect on ink usage,
but you might save a few trees.

To save ink, you could also try printing via your printer's draft mode, if
it has one, and maybe even dropping the print resolution, if that's


Graham Mayor

To print fewer pages, you need either a smaller font or less text.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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