Printing multiple labels with # of total info on each label



I have a form in which the user enters an order number and sets a combo box
to the number of pieces in the shipment and I would like to print the number
of labels requested from what is chosen in the combo box.

All of the labels in a set are the same with the exception that there is a
line of text on each label which states, "Piece x of y" where x is the number
of the label in the set and y is the total number of labels in the set.

The report where I have the label has a query that pulls all of the label
info out of different tables, also, I plan to have this output to a simple
Dymo label maker...

Does anyone have an easy and clean way of doing this?



Thanks Duane-

I took the better approach from that info by making a count ID table and
placing this field in the report query.

This now prints all labels on one page. Do I need to set the page size up or
something to get one label per page?

Currently I am testing this on a deskjet printer but will eventually use a
DYMO printer.

thank you


I figured it out- I just needed to force a new page after each detail
section- thanks for your help Duane!

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