Printing multiple office documents in one step?



I have a weekly report I must generate that is a series of office documents

1 word doc
2 seperate excel spreadsheets
1 MS PRoject schedule (tasks)
1 outlook calendar entry (summary of my week).

Currently I have to print each set of these (multiple times) and colate them
manually after I've grabbed them from my printer. I'm hoping someone may
have a suggestion on how to generate a compound document that I can print in
a series - even better if I can do this, I can take advantage of my printer's
sorting and stapling features.

I seem to remember reading about this type of behaviour in a Microsoft
article somewhere, but can't place it in any detail. I don't have Acrobat
either - so generating multiple PDF's into one isn't likely.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated - this task currently takes me about 1
hour to gather/update and prepare each set (time I'd rather be using to code)



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