In Workbook2 I’ve got formulas in all cells from A1 to J100. The
formulas ‘pull in’ values from the corresponding cells in Workbook1.
Not all rows in Workbook1 always have values in them, ie the values
may stop at row 20, 30, 45, whatever (but there won’t be any gaps). I
need to print Workbook2 sometimes and I only want to print the rows
where there are values, not the whole 100 rows with formulas in them,
but if I click ‘Print’ I always get the whole 100 rows printed,
whether there are values in them or not. In the 100 rows I’ve got
conditional formatting thus: If cell isn’t blank, put a border around
it, in Page Set Up, I’ve got Rows to repeat at top: $2:$2 and I’ve got
a header – which is just some text, but even if I take the conditional
formatting off and take the Rows to Repeat and header out, I still get
the 100 rows printed.
formulas ‘pull in’ values from the corresponding cells in Workbook1.
Not all rows in Workbook1 always have values in them, ie the values
may stop at row 20, 30, 45, whatever (but there won’t be any gaps). I
need to print Workbook2 sometimes and I only want to print the rows
where there are values, not the whole 100 rows with formulas in them,
but if I click ‘Print’ I always get the whole 100 rows printed,
whether there are values in them or not. In the 100 rows I’ve got
conditional formatting thus: If cell isn’t blank, put a border around
it, in Page Set Up, I’ve got Rows to repeat at top: $2:$2 and I’ve got
a header – which is just some text, but even if I take the conditional
formatting off and take the Rows to Repeat and header out, I still get
the 100 rows printed.