Printing only selected persons info.



Basically: In our Church we have 8 (groups)
On any given Sunday each group has persons absent.
How can I print each groups absentees (address labels for postcards.)
without printing the whole list of the groups addresses?
Can I add a check box and only print the selected "record / records"
What does it take? (please be very specific)

Warning: I'm very new to Access...I need step by step help...
Thanks in advance.


No, we keep all of this in "books" but would like to not have to write out
each name and address by hand. I know it would be easier in access. (at least
I think so.)


Actually I don't want to keep attendance records in Access. Just be able to
print selected address labels of those absent. (Of course I'd have to be able
to add and remove new and old record or edit reord we already have.)
(ex. one child moving into another group.)


O.K. I can build a database for each group (adults, singles, new
Or just one database with a list of (70 persons)
Including the Fields: Name,address, city,St, zip.
My question thenis: If I add another field "postcard" (with a check box, or
How do can I program that box to mean "print this label in the next
available label within the sheet of labels in the printer?


Ok, I would set up a minimum of 2 tables:

MemberName (don't use just plain Name as that's a reserved word)
Group (lookup to Groups table)
SendPostcard (yes/no box)

Group (single field listing various groups)

(Using a lookup table will allow you to change the group membership easily,
or query by group or whatever)

Now as you said, using a yes no box for postcard you can go in and select
the members you want to send postcards to. The query you would use after
you've checked the member list off for mailing would be (assuming you check
off the ones you want to send to):

SELECT * FROM tblMembers WHERE SendPostcard = True

You can then use that query for a mailmerge to print labels or whatever.


I understand most of your answer except this part
SELECT * FROM tblMembers WHERE SendPostcard = True
Do I type this in ? Can you help me know where to type this in?


Once you create the 2 tables, go to Queries and create a new query - paste
that in the SQL view of the query. If you change the field name for the
SendPostcard field, modify accordingly. Save the query and you'll have it
for future use for Mail merges.


I'll try it .
Thanks for your help and patience.
Have a Great Day. :)
:-0 "Hurray for SusanV"
God Bless

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