Lindsay Graham

I'm using Word 2000 with Win 98SE. I have a 10-page document with 2 sections,
the first in portrait orientation and the second in landscape. The landscape
pages contain 2 tables copied from Excel as pictures. In Print Preview, the 2
landscape pages appear OK, but when printed, they come out as portrait -- the
text is squeezed horizontally and expanded vertically so the table is
reproportioned to fit on the portrait page (yes, it looks pretty odd <g>).

Also, there is a picture or object on page 1 (it was placed there by someone
else, so I don't quite know how it was done) which appears in Print Layout View
and in Print Preview, but does not print (although the rest of the text on that
page prints).

Any suggestions? I've checked all the settings that I can think of, but can see
nothing unusual. I've had many similar documents in the past, and have been
able to print them (on the same printer -- an HP DeskJet) without any problems.

Lindsay Graham

I have no idea what caused the problems about which I asked earlier, but they
both seem to have fixed themselves after I rebooted the computer.

But there is another related problem, and I'd be grateful for any advice. When
I copy an Excel worksheet as a picture into the Word document, the borders that
I have set in Excel appear as expected, but the gridlines to which I have not
applied borders also appear in a muted or faint form. On the last occasion when
I did this copy picture, the gridlines without borders did not appear at all in
the Word document.

Any ideas?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Lindsay,
But there is another related problem, and I'd be grateful for any advice. When
I copy an Excel worksheet as a picture into the Word document, the borders that
I have set in Excel appear as expected, but the gridlines to which I have not
applied borders also appear in a muted or faint form. On the last occasion when
I did this copy picture, the gridlines without borders did not appear at all in
the Word document.
If they're displaying in Excel, then I'd expect to also see them in the picture
(or OLE object) you bring into Word. That's the way it's always worked; if you
didn't get this before, it may have been a problem with the graphics driver.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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