Printing Problem


Chaplain Doug

Excel 2003. I am using the following code (attached to a button on a user
form) to print the contents of a text box on the user form. When it is sent
to my printer it always makes the printer think that it needs COM10
envelopes. I just want it to go to plain paper, which is the default for the
printer. What can I do to make it work? Thanks.

Dim PrinterName As String, I As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_PS
I = InStr(Application.ActivePrinter, " on ")
PrinterName = Mid(Application.ActivePrinter, 1, I - 1)
Open PrinterName For Output As #1
Print #1, ProcessStatus.ProcStat.Text
Close #1
Exit Sub
Call MsgBox("Error printing status window. Please contact system
administrator.", vbOKOnly, "Print Error")
ProcessStatus.PrintStatus.Enabled = False
Goto Exit_PS

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