Have a macro with .Destination = wdsend to printer locks up on this says
This is probably because some destinations are not allowed for some merges -
for example, you cannot do a Catalog (Directory) merge to
Is there a way to have word merge stop printing if it finds a blank cell
excel data?
Suggestions provided elsewhere, but...
a. people in here are happy to help, but the general idea of Internet
Newsgroups is that /you/ research /your/ problem, and if you really can't
find an answer, /then/ you find an appropriate place to post your question.
b. in my opinion, at the very least, you should check Word Help (and the
appropriate VBA Help) for informaiton about objects, methods, limitaitons
and so on.
c. if you go to
http://groups.google.com, you will find a way to search a
vast range of the Internet Technical Newsgroups (try the Advanced search if
necessary). You don't have to sign up to anything, and it's free. If you
have a good look around, you will find many useful resources that may answer
your quesiton without having to use other people's time. You may also notice
that many of the same questions are asked and answered time and again.
Peter Jamieson