Printing query parameters


Katie B

I want to print the dates I enter in query parameters in
the header section on my report so when I distribute the
report others will know what date range I've printed. Is
this possible to do?
Thank you.

Steve Schapel


Yes. Put the parameters in the design of the report itself, exactly
the same as they are in the query. For example, you might have an
unbound textbox in the report header with a controlsource like this...
="My report for " & Format([Enter Start Date],"mm/dd/yy") & " to " &
Format([Enter Finish Date],"mm/dd/yy")

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP


Thank you. That works perfectly.
-----Original Message-----

Yes. Put the parameters in the design of the report itself, exactly
the same as they are in the query. For example, you might have an
unbound textbox in the report header with a controlsource like this...
="My report for " & Format([Enter Start Date],"mm/dd/yy") & " to " &
Format([Enter Finish Date],"mm/dd/yy")

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

I want to print the dates I enter in query parameters in
the header section on my report so when I distribute the
report others will know what date range I've printed. Is
this possible to do?
Thank you.


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