printing records in MS Access using VB




I have a table created in MS Access with three field Name, Status,
Date....the Status field is recorded in text with two options say
'Accepted' or 'Rejected'

i would like to run query on dates to find the available records with
two fileds 'From', 'To' ..user enter the two dates and want to see the
records........the records should be displayed as a table with heading
Name, No.of Accepted, No.ofRejected, TotalPermits, % of Accepted, % of
Rejected......(the Status field is recordeed in text and should display
in the statistics mentioned here)

i need to write a VB code in MS Access to print this output table
format.........pls anyone can suggest me the code so that it will give
the desired print out

thanks a lot in advance


var what i need to work is my table has fields called

name Status date
v ac -.
vj rj -.
k ac -.
k rj -.

i am able write a query within a time period ('from' date to 'to' date)
and get the report, but i need to re aarange the output with titled

name number of ac number of rj Total
v 1 0 1
k 1 1 2

how to count those details from 'Status' Itext format) field of the
table and display in report in a statistical form

do i need to write some expressions in Report Form?....any suggestions
pls help me


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